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Module 6 Chapter 15 Assignment 13

Module 6 Chapter 15 Assignment 13

Q Introduction to Soc: Ch 15 Assignment Basics: You are going to read Chapter 15, watch my zoom video on it (We will do a new one, and I will leave up the old one from last summer), and submit two paragraphs via here. Answer these two items: 1. Ch 15: Kawamoto and voting. Your vote really matters. So who/what did you for/against last November 2020 and why? If you didn't/couldn't vote. Share what you would have done. Pick anything from president on down, or any measure that was on the ballot. 2.Ch15:TypesofAuthority: Conley lists three types of Authority. Pick two, and connect with examples from your work or other classes.

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I am a horrible person because I did not vote last year. It was my intention to vote for both the state laws and the Presidential election however, my chaotic life got the best of me and before I knew it, it was too late to send in my ballots. With that being said, I would have voted for Biden as the President and there were a few state laws I was wanting to vote on but I can not remember them now. I do know one of them was pertaining to taxes. I usually am one to vote every year but with everything the universe threw my way this year I was not able to. Luckily there is always next year.